Virginia Citizens for Water Quality (VCWO) presents “The Muddy Mystery” —2013 Annual Summit and Movie, (Union First Market Bankshares, Ruther Glen, Virginia) – November 9, 2013.
Join our project team representatives Nesha McRae (VADEQ), Seth Coffman (TU), and Bill Howard (The Downstream Project- TDP) who will be presenting a keynote address—C Spout Run: Inspiring Successful Watershed Planning in the Shenandoah Valley.
Learn and enjoy from other partner groups and the state offering presentations focused on uncovering the mystery of runoff pollution.
Registration is now open! $15 includes lunch and refreshments.
Check out the draft agenda by clicking –> here.
Register online here:
Questions? Contact Anna Mathis at or 804-775-0951.
Map Link to venue.